How-To Video: How to Choose the Right Golf Simulator Projector

Golf simulators are a great way to hone your game and play courses from your home. For the most realistic and immersive experiences, a good projector is one of the most essential parts of your setup. Here are two useful tools to help find exactly the right projector that perfectly fits your space requirements and where to position it.


  1. Use the BenQ Projector Finder to help you locate the best models based on light conditions in your room, the aspect ratio of your screen, your preferred screen size, how far your projector will be from the screen, and the desired resolution.
  2. Use the BenQ Calculator, a tool to measure ideal screen size and throw distance.
Want to Talk to a Golf Simulator Projector Expert?

BenQ has trained staff to help you find the perfect golf simulator projector – within your room size and budget. To help you make the best decision, you can reach out to one of our experts to set up anything from a chat to a complete online demo, to help you find the right projector for your needs.