How can I bind and unbind BenQ services like DMS, AMS, and Broadcast?


BenQ provides Device Management Solution (DMS), Account Management Solution (AMS) and X-Sign Broadcast for BenQ public display products. This video will guide you how to bind and unbind the service from the device.

Applicable Models

Account Management System, CP6501K, CP8601K, RE6501, RE7501, RE8601, RE9801, RM5501K, RM5501K, RM5502K, RM6501K, RM6502S, RM6503, RM7501K, RM7502K, RM7502S, RM7503, RM8601K, RM8602K, RM8602S, RM8603, RP6502, RP8602, X Sign Broadcast

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