Dear users,


Please be noticed that BenQ servers will undergo a upgrade and the BenQ services will be temporarily unavailable while upgrading.


Date: 19/8/2022 (Friday)

Down time:
Central Europe: 2:00-4:00 AM
UK/IE/PT: 1:00 - 3:00 AM



ž   BenQ App Store

ž   X-Sign CMS

ž   X-Sign Broadcast

ž   Partner Site

ž   BenQ IAM

ž   DMS

ž   AMS file/office

ž   AMS

ž   EZWrite 5.0 & 6.0

ž   OTA


During this time, the service mentioned above will not be able to access temporarily.
Sorry for any inconvenience and thanks for keeping using BenQ products.
We will keep optimising and give you the best experience.

Best wishes,