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Webcam Accessory

Accesorio de cámara web: configuración sencilla para montaje en ScreenBar Halo

Webcam Accessory

Accesorio de cámara web: configuración sencilla para montaje en ScreenBar Halo

  • Su diseño permite instalar una cámara web y una luz de monitor sin perder funcionalidad.
  • Monta la cámara web en la luz del monitor con un adaptador diseñado para ScreenBar Halo.
  • El diseño del adhesivo metálico y del adaptador magnético permite colocar fácilmente el conjunto donde prefieras.
¿Qué se incluye en la caja?



Magnetic Adaptor

x 1

Metallic Sticker

x 1

Re-newed price

{{currency + ' ' +finalPrice.final | numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}}

(Save {{currency + ' ' + priceSave | numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}})

new device price

{{ currency + ' ' +regularPrice.final | numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}}

{{stockStatusDescriptionPreOrder + ' ' + preOrderDatei18n + ' ' + stockStatusDescriptionPreOrderSuffix}}

VAT 21% standard price, final price per country will vary based on VAT%

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{{item.stockStatus !== 'IN_STOCK' ? 'Out of stock' : ''}}

{{currency + ' ' +item.finalPrice | numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}}

{{item.finalPrice !== item.regularPrice ? currency + ' '+item.regularPrice : ''| numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}}



+ {{currency}} {{0 | numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}}


{{option.stockStatus !== 'IN_STOCK'? 'Out of stock' : ''}}

+ {{currency + ' ' +option.finalPrice| numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}}

{{option.finalPrice !== option.regularPrice ? currency + ' '+option.regularPrice : ''| numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}}



+ {{currency}} {{0 | numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}}


{{option.stockStatus !== 'IN_STOCK'? 'Out of stock' : ''}}

+ {{currency + ' ' +option.finalPrice| numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}}

{{option.finalPrice !== option.regularPrice ? currency + ' '+option.regularPrice : ''| numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}}



+ {{currency}} {{0 | numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}}


{{option.stockStatus !== 'IN_STOCK'? 'Out of stock' : ''}}

+ {{currency + ' ' +option.finalPrice| numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}}

{{option.finalPrice !== option.regularPrice ? currency + ' '+option.regularPrice : ''| numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}}



+ {{currency}} {{0 | numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}}


{{option.stockStatus !== 'IN_STOCK'? 'Out of stock' : ''}}

+ {{currency + ' ' +option.finalPrice| numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}}

{{option.finalPrice !== option.regularPrice ? currency + ' '+option.regularPrice : ''| numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}}


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Available at {{pinCodeText}}


pin code *


{{pincodeCheckerSuccessMessagePrefix}} {{pincodeCheckerSuccessMessage}} {{pincodeCheckerSuccessMessageSuffix}}

Pincode is temporarily unavailable for delivery



{{stockStatusDescriptionPreOrder + ' ' + preOrderDatei18n + ' ' + stockStatusDescriptionPreOrderSuffix}}




{{currency + " " + totalDetail.totalPrice | numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}}

Detalles de su Compra


{{currency + ' ' + totalDetail.main.finalPrice | numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}}

{{currency + ' ' + totalDetail.main.regularPrice | numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}}


{{'+ ' +currency +" " +item.finalPrice | numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}}

{{currency +" " +item.regularPrice | numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}}


{{currency + " " + totalDetail.totalPrice | numberThousandsCommas | numberDecimalPoint}}


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