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Interactieve Displays | Signage
Werken & leren op afstand
Interactieve Displays | Signage
Werken & leren op afstand
*** bericht in Engelse taal *** BenQ proudly announced the release of 21.5” ML2241 and 23.6” ML2441 LED TVs. These two sexy slim models are suited best for students wanting an LED TV that can be used as a monitor as well, or young professionals who wish to have a second television in the comfort of their own room. They are the very first small-sized LED TV in Europe, with less than 39mm thickness and the thinnest part at 19mm, they are absolute space savers, and a piece of artwork on its own. Compared to CCFL TVs, BenQ’s ML2241 and ML2441 can provide up to 40% more power saving. They consume less than 0.5 watts on standby mode, compared to the usual 1 or 2 watts from other makers, BenQ’s economical ML2241 and ML2441 are also the proud firsts that is ready for EuP 2010’s new regulation. The hard-switch design (at 0 watt) with simple one click allows user to save money, energy, and the keep the earth Lookin’ Great! BenQ awes the consumers with a mega dynamic contrast ratio (DCR) of 5,000,000:1, both ML2241 and ML2441 belittles products from other makers with similar specification and price range. The contrast precision that BenQ provides, perfectly adapts to every individual scene, providing true black, deeper colour and detailed definition to reveal the hard-to-notice elements lurking in the darkest games or movie scenes. The brand new ML2241 and ML2441 feature Senseye®, 5 ms response time and Full HD 1920x1080, engineered to handle and output a pure 1080p 24Hz signal for natural and superb quality images, giving users a cinematic viewing pleasure without distortion. BenQ’s own Senseye® Human Vision Technology – a proprietary image enhancement engine that mimics the human eye – enhances the color, clarity and contrast of video content and smoothes out quick images through motion optimization to produce deeper, richer and more detailed images. The USB 2.0 interface has become a norm in an everyday life, and these LED TVs come equipped with it, making video-viewing from an USB storage device a breeze. As an all-round multimedia center, both these units come bundled with 3 HDMI 1.3 interfaces, allowing uncompressed signals to be translated into the highest possible quality. Having the HDMI interfaces also means that the users can connect their entertainment devices conveniently. Moreover, BenQ’s ML2241 and ML2441 utilize H.264 video codec to support multiple video formats. This ultra-efficient technology uses the latest innovations in video compression, meaning users get crisp, clear video in much smaller files – H.264 delivers stunning quality at remarkably low data rates and it was endorsed as part of the MPEG-4 standard. Showing friends and family pictures has never been easier with simply using one finger, one click, with SmartCliQ. With the aid of SmartCliQ in these two beautiful units, users are able to use their USB storage device with the LED TV as a photo frame, and to edit videos (brightness; sharpness adjustments) and photos (rotate; zoom-in/out; colour management). BenQ’s ML2241 and ML2441 do not shy away when they are called the ultimate media center, with its multiple application confidently acting as a TV; home theater system; surround audio stereo and a photo frame, it’s also perfect for gaming; work; study or just surfing the internet. For more information about these products, please click on the model names: ML2241 / ML2441. | |